You'll Need:

1-2 Cucumber(s)

4-6 Carrots

1-2 Green Apple(s)

Thumb of Ginger

1/4-1/2 Piece of Red Beet

*Use organic to get quality nutritional value.


  1. Wash, skin and chop all vegetable and fruit to your liking.

  2. Use a juicer of your choice.*

  3. Chill and Enjoy

*If you only have a blender, you can use a cheesecloth to extract the juice and rid of excess fruit/vegetable pulp.


Beets are high in Folate, Vit C and and fights inflammation.

Cucumbers have two phytonutrients compounds associated with anti-cancer benefits.

Carrots have building blocks for Vit A which aid the eye in maintaining visual function.

Ginger is anti-inflammatory, aides in GI health, anti-oxidant and boosts immune function.